Ephemeral Delusion

Sunday, May 18, 2008, 11:47 PM
Tell Me What You Want Me to Get You from the Kingdom of Cambodia!


I'm all set for Cambodia, although the packing part is kinda annoying. The backpack is a little 'moldy' inside, and its really disturbing that I wasted some 10minutes to wipe it all clean. My stuffs are all in Ziplock bags so its still ok i guess, but i cant imagine how they still want to stuff more things into our backpack at the airport.

The boys home event was quite a success, and I'm glad it was since I'm the one organizing it. (duh!) People were pretty reluctant toward going there initially and I was eager to prove them wrong. Too eager to I'd say; not necessarily a bad thing though. This is the evidence to show that everyone have had fun=]

Yays. The sun was scorchingly hot that day and I had to scream around like a mad woman. It is really not easy to manage a big group. All the while it is the inspirational talk my alter ego preaches me every morning that kept me going. 'Be focused, yo'.

And I really had fun on ladies night with Christine, Michelle, Darren & gang, although it was the 1st time I got kicked out of a club when the manager at Arena caught Christine pouring the martini into the guys glasses. That was so gayyy lol. We ended up club hopping and going back to Arena for drinks when we're thirsty. The dancing, punching, swearing and flirting was awesome; we really do crazy things when we're half in euphoria. OMG I must say no one can resist all those sexiness oozing on the floor.

My arms are stacked, I pray I get a hostel next semester. I MUST! Or I'd missing out alot of fun, really.

Laters baby!

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Sunday, May 11, 2008, 12:25 AM
To You.

Elated to see something about you? Well it will be too childish to scorn you here since we're all sensible young adults; on a lower tone I'd rather label it as a guideline/mental note to myself.


1. You hate Paramore songs because you CLAIM that they're too noisy;
1. REFUSAL to acknowledge my presence;
2. WHINE at the very slightest details;
3. REFUSE to make decisions (Yes really);
3. REFUSE to make FIRM decisions;
4. Making me feel all fucked up is your PLEASURE;
6. Tends to UNCONSCIOUSLY associate your self-inflicted pain to me being the origin;
7. Likes to say ABRUPT 'byes';
8. Your imaginary friend told you that I work part time as a PUNCH BAG; (and you believed)
9. Tends to EXAGGERATE littlest achievements to something informidable;
10. LIES. oh yes lie to me but dont let me catch you.

If they sound nostalgic, please stay away from me. Be sure to run as far as your feet can take you because you will never know what I will shove up your hairy ass next time. If not, my next suggestion to you is to get a plastic surgery so I wont be able to recognize the dickhead/cunt that you are. But keep in mind; those priceless characteristics are more than skin deep, in fact they do swallow the whole of you on a good day. Don't even think of coming up to me and ask why do i hate you, because being the nice person I'm, I'd most probably deny it.

YEA twats show me your horns!

Oh and one more piece of information for you, I've became a full-fledged les-bian, so boys give up I'd never fall for you. Google that 'L' word if you can't understand what I'm saying, don't be a minge and come shrugging your shoulder in front of me. I won't like that sight, it will probably make me wanna puke all over your head. In the first place you shouldn't be stalking me anyways.


Haha you gay bitch i like the sound of that.

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Tuesday, May 6, 2008, 1:28 AM
Dont You Know I Have An Alter Ego?

Cheers to our gayer, Candice=]

There's a cockroach under the cabinet, but as usual I'm too much of a coward to
kill it. I learnt from my Singapore's natural heritage module that these common house cockroaches actually originated from America. So technically speaking their specific name is called Periplaneta americana. Do remember to say hello to those Americans next time you catch them around in your house!

I hate it when people make me cry, or rather I'm too much of a pussy at times; most of the time actually. Using secret vices to calm my senseless mind, no big deal you might say but hey, I've gotten trouble with the OSA once with this already. One more time and another thousand appeal letters wont be able to save me.

It always fun to listen to the birds sing in greek. They seems to be telling me,

'Πηγαίνετε τρελλοί!'

Yes it might just be all true. Blind enough not to take the best; dumb enough to swallow the wrong. These loud noises flod past me like the trains rattling in harmony out of the dark undertunnel; the image only gets bigger; from this tiny pin head portrait originally decivable as a scene, now no more of course; straight right into my face.

Be optimistic and tell me, it is the cool breeze that freshens you up! Or put me down more, tell me, force me, let me believe and accept, how much afraid I'm to admit me being much more of failure than I thought I am.

I think I should go sleep now, perhaps I can make it to the party tomorrow. Yes! Reality so be it.

3Months baby.

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